Professional Organizing and Daily Money Management are as much a calling as they are a profession for me.
My interest has always been to make a difference in people’s lives.  The work I do tends to be transformative in nature, with the intention of providing people management and mastery of their environments.
Look, organizing and daily money management is not rocket science; but it is a discipline and an outside and experienced eye often offers a perspective that cannot otherwise be attained.
If you are a business, I want to help you develop and implement strategies that will assist you in managing your business rather than being managed by it.
If your organizational need is residential, I want to help you create and maintain a nurturing & supportive environment.  Home is supposed to be our refuge; the place we come to restore and rejuvenate ourselves from the outside world.  I want people to have homes that don’t yell at them when they walk through the door; that are not just one more problem to solve, but a place to be at peace and harmony.
Who We Are
Our Core Beliefs
Typical Approach
What is DMM?

Dear Lorraine,

Thank you so much for all your help, your hard work, and especially your caring.  You not only have made a world of difference in my house, but also in me--the way I look at what I keep, what I throw away, and how I feel about my very nearly "new" house 
(at least it feels that way!).  

Janet L. - Tucson, AZ

Call now to get started on changing your life!
  • You can't find it when you need it
  • You buy another because you can't remember where you left it
  • You put off or misplace bills &/or important papers
  • You worry about what isn't getting done
  • You are reluctant to have visitors because of the mess
  • You are never ready for tax time
  • You are just plain disorganized
  • You are just too busy to keep up with it all
  • You are overwhelmed and don't know where to start
Does This Sound Familiar?
Then You May Benefit from Using a Professional Organizer !
Lorraine J. Wolfsohn, President
Tucson, AZ